Integrated Graphical Application Management and Security

Bizcovery Foundation provides an integrated management tool that is used to manage, design, modify and deploy the packaged analytic applications. Unlike many product suites that require several disconnected "tools" to manage the entire integration process, Bizcovery provides one single, graphical "drag and drop" environment to manage all tasks.

Bizcovery Foundation is a network-based client/server facility. All Bizcovery Foundation components run on Windows NT Based operating system (Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, and Windows 2003). A Bizcovery Foundation administrator may connect their local machine to a Bizcovery Server anywhere on the network.

Bizcovery's integrated graphical application management environment saves administrators and developers time and aggravation associated with managing and manipulating multiple application management tools. The Bizcovery integrated management environment seamlessly combines graphical development, data management, and administration to yield a complete platform in which to modify, deploy, and maintain the Bizcovery analytic applications.

Bizcovery Security. Bizcovery supports several levels of security, including user level (individual users, groups and roles) and report level security.

User Level Security. Every user of the Bizcovery system is assigned a user ID and password. Bizcovery implements user level access to the applications through the use of "roles" (e.g., Business Analyst, Sales Representative, etc.), which provides security for the application where users have access to the application according to the role assigned. Roles and/or specific user IDs may be assigned to "groups" such as "marketing" or "sales".

Report Level Security. Groups of users, individual users or roles are granted access to reports. For example, sales reports may be available to the "Sales" user group and special executive officers on an exception basis.

Closed Loop Tiebacks. Success requires extending beyond analysis, averages, and estimates. Once analysis has been performed action must be taken. Without closed-loop integration business managers must navigate through many disparate e-business and operational systems to perform the action that the analysis revealed to be necessary. Bizcovery allows users to perform these business optimization actions. Customers may create tiebacks that translate these actions into closed-loop transactions in e-commerce and operational systems.

Businesses must be able to act quickly and easily to close the loop by translating information derived from customer activity into actions, business rules or online interactions. Examples of such intelligence-driven, closed-loop actions include:

·         Optimizing and personalizing advertising and website content to enhance customer retention;

·         Automatically identifying and offering cross-sell and up-sell opportunities to increase revenue per customer across sales channels;

·         Delivering assisted buying and selling features, information and content to improve customer service;

·         Proactively providing assisted or self-service customer support to reduce costs and increase post-sale customer satisfaction.

The Bizcovery integrated management environment makes creating closed loop tiebacks to operational systems easy. Bizcovery currently provides tools for customers to create tiebacks. These tools consist of Java classes in the Bizcovery integrated environment.

The closed-loop functionality simplifies end user tasks, improves customer service and increases revenue by supporting personalization.


The ETL Layer Open Data Store Application Server Integrated Management